SAD - european Metallica Tribute

The Europe's #1 Metallica Tribute Band with 2 show possibilities:
4 playing members on stage OR with full symphony orchestra

Est. 2004 | Based in North of Italy
Partnered with Zonametallica (Official Italian Metallica Fanclub #350)

It happens once in life: on July 13th 2024 we played a unique show at Teatro Eslava for the night in between Metallica’s Madrid shows.

The event was produced by Metallitarium (official Metallica local chapter #351) and promoted by EMP SpainLive Nation Spain with the special contribution of Rock FM Spain

This also gaves us the UNIQUE opportunity to be shown on the official Metallica network/website and on the stadium screens in Madrid:

Follow the "Across Europe Tour 2025"

More shows will be announced so keep following the page by clicking on the next picture:

The 1st Metallica tribute in Europe with 2 shows possibilities

Click on a picture below and choose your side

SAD Logo B 900px
4 on-stage members tribute show
SaD Symphony and Metallica Logo SM
Show with Symphony Orchestra

We'll never stop
We'll never quit
cause YOU're Metallica!

Band members

Get in touch with all of us at shows or through our social networks

SaD Symphony Metallica Tribute 643

Mattia Montin

Singer & Rhythm Guitarist


Eddie Thespot

Lead Guitarist

SaD Metallica coverband live videos

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel and Tik Tok channels where you’ll find our most recent uploads. As a result you’ll be an active part of our family and you’ll get notified of all our news! 

Metallica cover songs from 2004

It all starts by being Metallica fans. We love the original band. We love their music so much that when we take our instrument we feel we need to get some energy by playing some of their songs. And then  the tribute comes: as one of the most popular Metallica Tribute in Italy, we’ve been playing around in several European Countries since the band foundation.

At the very beginning we weren’t even aware of attributes like “Metallica cover band”, “tributo Metallica”, “tribute act” (there were no social network and we all were going out for concerts every weekend!!). 

We were just doing it for fun. But you know what? Our fun experience has increased in the years and it’s still very strong now, when we have the chance to bring our live shows in great stages, clubs, events and get in touch with a lot of people + sharing such emotions with many other Metallica fans attending our concerts.

Stage Technical info

A great show starts from a great organization. In the below links you will find whatever necessary to understand how we are technically placed on stage. In case you needed more informations in regards of our equipment, don’t exhitate to contact us by clicking on the dedicated section of this website: click here on CONTACTS or proceed to DOWNLOAD page. 

Booking info:

If you’re a club owner or an event promoter, please click on the button here below to see all of our contacts.

Bring some of us in your life

Boost your daily energy with some music

Our recordings are available through main digital platforms. Just choose your favourite:

…and many others

SaD Symphony and Metallica DVD

You Heard About Our SaD - Symphony & Metallica DVD?

Yes!!! The full show with Orchestra played in Vicenza on Nov 30th 2019 is available on DVD for collectors

Sad T shirts

Looking For Our Merch...

...but you had no chance to attend to the show recently? Write us here